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OneRouge Community Check-In - Week 136

Writer's picture: OneRougeOneRouge



Week #136

Join us this Friday for OneRouge Week #136 at 8:30 am via Zoom. We are talking about Baton Rouge and making it the place we all know she can be! Baton Rouge is the state capital of Louisiana; home to two land grant universities; and is a major industrial, petrochemical, medical, research, motion picture,[8] and growing technology center of the American South (so says Wikipedia). It is also a place a lot of people leave. With all the talent flowing through the city, it could be the creative epicenter of the South. But in order to be that, we have to broaden our gaze and see the beauty in the diversity that is Baton Rouge. Is there a way we can change how we tolerate ideas that are weird or unusual? What is keeping us from moving past getting people here to keeping people here? Well, that is exactly the conversation we intend to have on 12/16. Our featured speakers are:

  1. Kenny Nguyen - CEO/co-founder of ThreeSixtyEight

  2. Adrian Owen Jones - Chief Growth Officer ThreeSixtyEight

  3. Hillary Melara - Dancer and hometown girl

Enlight, Unite, & Ignite!



Leading us off, Kenny Nguyen spoke about learning about what made Baton Rouge special. He used to think of the ties to the family as an excuse for not leaving Baton Rouge but came to understand that it was the key to what made our city stand out. Our next challenge as a city is to retain the workforce that maintains a thriving city.

With ThreeSixtyEightā€™s upcoming Assembly Required conference, Kenny and other speakers are looking to examine and explore how to retain the creatives in Baton Rouge and provide them with a prosperous wage. Kenny contends that the only way to develop our city is to get unstuck from the traditional-formatted ideas of the past and elevate creatives in every sector, to bring new ideas and resolutions to longstanding issues.

ThreeSixtyEightā€™s Chief Growth Officer, Adrian Owen Jones also joined the conversation to emphasize what it has been like to learn about the city of Baton Rouge, where a positive mindset is the most critical missing piece. Adrian offers us to no longer think of Baton Rouge as a failing city to joke about, but to encourage ourselves to see the ample opportunities that lie untouched. Ideas that were once considered unfeasible can be returned to and reinvigorated, such as a River Walk concept that sister cities like Monroe have been able to pull off with great success.

Rounding off the conversation introduction, was Hillary Melara, a dance instructor, but an all-around creative entrepreneur in Baton Rouge. Hillary spoke on the magnificence that Baton Rouge retains, all needing extra light being shed on it. Hillary mentions that itā€™s important for us to understand and shift our own personal stereotypes and stigmas, to understand the ways that everyone in the city can elevate us as a whole.

Importantly, the conversation guided into how can this be addressed. What is the bigger picture intended to look like? Kenny is not coy to answer that he sees this as a city that is on par with Los Angeles or other artists or creative attractive cities. With this education becomes critical, understanding that even literacy is a place to improve in Baton Rouge and Louisiana. Adrian amplifies that her view is closely aligned with Kennyā€™s but to also imagines the inclusionary importance of LGBTQ+ and differently-abled individuals. With this in mind, concepts that would never be raised begin to see light, and an overall city for not just the people who are already here but want to be here emerges. Hillary felt that the OneRouge space allowed for her to learn a lot just as a citizen of Baton Rouge. She beams in the concept of finding places like this to continue to grow, critical for the emergence of a city that residents donā€™t want to migrate from. .

Zoom Chat

08:28:40 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

Guess how my GPA was

08:28:41 From ThreeSixtyEight to Everyone:

Going to restart my computer real quick cant hear audio

08:30:28 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Helena - 1.2?

08:32:19 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Am I getting ambushed about my GPA?

08:32:39 From Chris Spalatin to Everyone:


08:32:50 From ashliā€™s ognelodh to Everyone:

I think mine was a 3.6 and then it went down from there lol

08:33:39 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

Iā€™m just obsessive about scores and it instantly leaves me after the exams

08:33:39 From Marcela Hernandez, LMSW- LORI to Everyone:

I was an honor student best GPA in both undergrad degrees (social work and sociology)

08:33:53 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

I started a business and dropped out, then went back years later šŸ™‚

08:34:12 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Marcela I am not surprised!!!

08:34:18 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

I was the nerd who never skipped class - high school or college - because I had FOMO bad! LOL

08:34:59 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:


08:35:22 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

All of you are incredibly inspiring

08:35:45 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Amazing OneRouge Executive team

08:35:56 From Danielle Mack to Everyone:

Bravo OneRouge team!

08:36:00 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:


08:36:27 From SK Groll to Everyone:


08:40:45 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone:

I loved the Innovators in Food event!!

08:41:56 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Kenny, when will tickets for Assembly go on sale?

08:42:03 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

Loved so many of your events!

08:42:09 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

End of January - first event is March 23!

08:47:14 From SK Groll to Everyone:

Iā€™m thinking about how creative people and creative community challenge social norms and challenge expectations. The stakes can be incredibly high in Baton Rouge and South LA when you challenge those norms. Creative people doesnā€™t just mean people with profitable and marketable skills, but people who are living life creatively, remaking worlds with their everyday existence. How do we make a Baton Rouge which welcomes and celebrates this?

08:47:45 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

We need to change the mindset of the town from ā€œwhat if it doesnā€™t workā€ to ā€œwhat if it does workā€

08:48:19 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

SK - we will dive into that question in our first event!

08:49:04 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

I think creativity is in the roots of what it means to be from Louisiana. How many of yall play an instrument? How many of yall love to cook or have a craft? Good music, good food, great art, building community- its in our roots!

08:49:41 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Baton Rouge has imposter syndrome bad!

08:49:45 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

When I think of BR I always think of ā€œbusiness-minded and not willing to take creative risksā€ and that beige is its favorite paint color. How do we push BR to want to be more interested in supporting the local creatives so they donā€™t have to leave?

08:50:35 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Helena the beige thing is so true! But i feel like thats us trying to be something we are not. The people are so colourful!

08:51:23 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

I would kill for another late night coffee shop šŸ„²

08:51:23 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

There's also a lot of "We tried that, and it didn't work, so why try it again?" Instead of determining why it didn't work and tackling those barriers.

08:51:35 From Ashli Ognelodh to Everyone:

I moved here from Atlanta two years ago. I love it here because of the calmness and community, but I enjoy being able to leave because of cultural experiences Im unable to get here. Simple things like various food options are different. I wish there was a more vibrant culture, but I love the quietness

08:51:37 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

great point, tristi

08:52:38 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

Recently I was asked where the Arts District wasā€¦ and I couldnā€™t answer it easily

08:55:13 From Judy Touzin to Everyone:

I so appreciate this focus on bringing people together who may not necessarily often share space. This is where magic can happen!

08:55:26 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Where are the poor in this conversation? Does diversity include the economically challenged?

08:55:30 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

We've segregated ourselves to the point where you never have to come in contact with someone who doesn't look/think/earn as you do.

08:55:51 From One Rouge to Everyone:

look at you being politically correct

08:56:23 From David Summers to Everyone:

You can say it plainly here!

08:56:33 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Amen David

08:56:40 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Agreed, David

08:56:46 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Not just MOPS = male, old, pale, and stale

08:56:52 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Thatā€™s what we really wanna say šŸ™‚

08:57:03 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

LOVE MOPS! I will not steal that turn of phrase

08:57:15 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

How to give power to people that have NEVER had the powerā€¦

08:57:17 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

Or WORM - white, old, rich, male

08:57:47 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Meet each other in every setting

No matter who they are

Introduce them to folk you know in the room -we need more connectors

08:58:03 From Ashli Ognelodh to Everyone:

I think its also about just going for it and not waiting for permission to do it.

08:58:12 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone:

Yes Kenny, truly 2 degrees of separation here in Baton Rouge that we should be using to our advantage. But the networking seems to stop or stall within "bubbles" and probably due to what Adrian is pointing out. Networking outside those bubbles is most important.

08:58:16 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

WORM!!! I die

08:58:29 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

I think the issue is not about the work you are doing, it is the fact you have to do this work to fill the gaps that others are not as part of their charge.

08:58:42 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

I always wonder when we use the term "young business professionals" who are we excluding and more importantly who is being pushed out?

08:59:00 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@manny Yeah, You right!

08:59:23 From Marcela Hernandez, LMSW- LORI to Everyone:

Promoting an inclusive city not only benefits minorities but strengthen the community and the accomplishments of our home. However, promoting tolerance takes an effort to EDUCATE and NORMALIZE diversity.

08:59:34 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:

Manny, right

08:59:56 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

In economic development speak, the communities that thrive the most have TOLERANCE - the ability to be open to things that are different than the larger group

09:00:35 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

Love that point, Kenny!

09:00:47 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

The newer generations donā€™t really use Google - they use social media to know where to go

09:01:12 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

In 2023, its how do you get your content number one on Tik Tok that will win you in the brand building race

09:01:13 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

And a key indicator of growth and innovation is proximity to startups, technology and creative

09:01:30 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Social media is not all that great either tbh especially with digital divide and tech acceptance

09:02:08 From SK Groll to Everyone:

The hill Iā€™ll die on: You canā€™t have flourishing creative culture without queer and trans people (especially BIPOC queer and trans people!)

09:02:08 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

I push back on why Growth is a marker for progress. Growth is a net change, not for everyone

09:02:16 From One Rouge to Everyone:

who run the world? GIRLS!

09:02:32 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

If you would like to add your voice to this conversation around the future of the Baton Rouge please raise your hand

09:02:34 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

SK - there is an actual metric for that

09:02:34 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Amen SK!! I am all about the bohemian index.

09:02:38 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Yes K!

09:03:27 From Manny Patole to Everyone:


09:03:40 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Richard Florida has had many critiques

09:03:49 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

I would love for BR to be more green. Take advantage of the Mississippi river, the lakes, the bayous to make the city more connected through our waterways

09:04:27 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@alexis co-sign! GO GREEN

09:05:08 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

There are 6 museums in walking distance downtown, three theaters spaces, dance studios! That is just downtown. We have the infrastructure we just need the people.

09:05:20 From Mary Stein to Everyone:

ie "creative gentrification"

09:05:25 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Amen Rodneyna

09:05:35 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

We have have so much potential -- we need to retain talent

09:05:59 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:


09:06:04 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

The best talent is here in communities that donā€™t have the runway

09:06:06 From Shavon Knighten to Everyone:


09:06:11 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

zoning is my favourite soapbox!!!

09:06:26 From One Rouge to Everyone:

break it out, adrian!

09:06:34 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

There are no homes, employment options, and basic human services.. the core critique of Florida and his work is that he makes many assumptions about what ā€œcommunitiesā€ want

09:07:14 From Mary Stein to Everyone:


09:07:22 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Heck yes!!!

09:07:34 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Remember creative does not mean artistic

09:07:45 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

Truly appreciate the tenor of the conversation today! As we continue to build and capitalize on the existing members of the Baton Rouge community Iā€™d like to share an opportunity to get involved in nonprofit charter school board development space. Hereā€™s a link to a free training programā€¦inviting you to apply or simply text me at 504.415.4292 if youā€™d like to know more.

09:07:48 From SK Groll to Everyone:

Yā€™all better watch libraries this year. We are about to have statewide convo about censorship vs LGBTQ representation in books

09:07:55 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

I think the importance of creating a culture of open interest rather than snobbery is critical!

09:07:57 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

09:08:17 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Kevin, im looking to join two charter school boards because of you šŸ™‚

09:08:34 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:


09:08:35 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

For me Florida Blvd would be exciting, vibrant and new! The Northern part of the parish including the Zoo would be uplifted. The low wage industries would be reduced and new industries, especially clean industries would start moving in. We would stop paying industries to come here and develop organic industries that are headquartered here.

09:09:36 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

Thanks for stepping up to serve, Kenny!

09:10:48 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Agree Rev Anderson. Thereā€™s a stake in the ground in Florida Blvd too with b1Bank Foundation bringing their foundation there and LA Tech Park there. When businesses succeed they give back to the community and it becomes a cycle.

09:11:01 From One Rouge to Everyone:

rant on, sistah!

09:11:01 From Helena Williams to Everyone:


09:11:04 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

That's what I love about Monroe/West Monroe is there've been out here capitalizing on the river

09:11:11 From Mary Stein to Everyone:

the big river attraction failed by 2000 votes...

09:11:14 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

So since you brought up climate change... have you listened to this season of Walls Plus One? It's all about Climate Change. Please listen to the first 6 episodes during this holiday break.

09:11:49 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

And it would have been done by now Mary

09:11:57 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

I believe a great exercise for every Metro Council District would be a tourism presentation of their district. Stop behaving as if there is only one important part of East Baton Rouge!

09:12:23 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

Learn lessons from New Orleansā€¦took a long time to realize and capture the beauty of the mighty Mississippi

09:13:46 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

Figure out which one you want to join figure out if you job will pay for the dues. Submit a resume many things are much more accessible than you think.

09:14:13 From Mary Stein to Everyone:

for many boards, start by introducing yourself to each and every council member in a non-confrontational way... demonstrate passion and concern for the mission of the agency.

09:14:19 From One Rouge to Everyone:

arodneya #TRUTH

09:14:28 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

I was shocked to have discovered that the previous East Baton Rouge Parish school board didn't have any parents on its board.

09:14:44 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

And it isnt' just about me! Like I know so many amazing women that I think should be on boards. I want to get them access

09:14:56 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

2023 goal: join a board

09:15:04 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Ill start submitting resumes on their behalf, Rodneyna šŸ™‚

09:15:05 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

The unsaid thing: getting a seat at the table can be tough for those whose seats arenā€™t made for them. No one wants to sit on wobbly chairs. Itā€™s on those that have found success to make better chairs too

09:15:06 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

I try to recruit board members that are representative of our city. Giving a seat at the table

09:15:09 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@rev anderson, you would be shocked to see that *most* boards for schools donā€™t have parents on them

09:15:28 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:

Right Kenny

09:15:38 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:


09:15:50 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

Discover what passion fuels you. Find a nonprofit doing that work (I'm happy to help connect you) and start volunteering with them. Many orgs look at their regular, passionate volunteers to source new board members.

09:15:52 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:


09:16:04 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone:

09:16:14 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

Since you mentioned it, Davante Lewis will be on the final episode of season 2 of Walls Plus One. He's going to talk about the politics behind climate change.

09:17:18 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Yes manny

09:18:26 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Yes yes yes

09:19:12 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

oof... you're getting me thinking about the MoveBR review last night

09:19:21 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

It was depressing and painful

09:19:39 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone:

My neighborhood is the Perkins Road Overpass area. 10-12 years ago we were the ideal area - grocery store, dry cleaners, yoga studio, barber shop, drugstore, clothing store, hardware store, restaurants and a couple of bars. Now we are losing out service businesses for more bars/restaurants which use the parking under the interstate - sidewalks crumbling, litter everywhere, pot holes, neglected upkeep and parking is horrible. And the interstate widening through here is just beginning...The idea of the new walkway under the overpass is cool and will benefit some, but I can only foresee more of the above problems.

09:19:43 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

I'm tired of the something is better than nothing mentality

09:19:50 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

Great guest column in the NYT yesterday about car ownership inequality:

09:20:09 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:


09:20:41 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

You touched on an argument I've had with BRAC a lot -- they are focused on recruiting in young talent when we are losing it daily through LSU and Southern

09:20:54 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Just freakign retain the students we have. Show them this is a city worth staying in

09:21:48 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:22:22 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:22:34 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

When I was graduating high school and college, I didn't see a future for myself in Louisiana. There were very few (and still are very few) opportunities for the field I graduated in.

09:22:37 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Yes!! Yes!!

09:22:59 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

There are great people on these callsā€¦ I am waiting for Ms Pat and Mr Bell

09:23:08 From Manny Patole to Everyone:


09:23:22 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

We call ourselves the Sportsman's Paradise, but our outdoor industry is lacking outside of hunting

09:23:42 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

Manny, you come run for Mayor!

09:23:46 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:23:54 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

And power can also be a mirageā€¦.

09:24:15 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Yes there are people missing in these conversations.

09:24:55 From Chelsea Morgan to Everyone:

Outside of the call, can we have more cross industry networking? There are so many excellent professional groups that have no idea what each other are doing or want to do.

09:25:05 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:


09:25:20 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

AND have those meetings in places you are trying to showcase

09:25:32 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@alexis, we havenā€™t be the sportsmanā€™s paradise in decades now. IMHO it is because we have deferred to oil and gas and other industries that not only destroy waterways, but also usurp land

09:26:15 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

The way we talk about ourselves matters

09:26:31 From Judy Touzin to Everyone:

100% Adrian

09:27:05 From One Rouge to Everyone:

@chelsea, that sounds like fun! i love being at networking events - just not networking

09:27:19 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

You're right, Pepper!

09:28:23 From Chelsea Morgan to Everyone:

Open invite: I'm the incoming President of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Let's brainstorm how to bring you or your organization in to present or become a member. Every activist and all of these conversations take fundraising. Email me!

09:28:55 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Awesome invite Chelsea!

09:30:01 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Always appreciate your perspective so much

09:30:11 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

That is how I met my first people in Baton Rouge - Inviting people to eat pizza with me at Schlitz and Giggles because it was raining and bus was rerouted.

09:30:14 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone:

Rev. Anderson, you always keep it real - thank you

09:30:39 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:30:52 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

ā€œLife has to be good exactly where they areā€ I love that

09:32:10 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

I love the parades! Its the joie de vivre that makes this state special. Yall we have festivals for strawberries. Like, we celebrate life with just zeal -- to me thats part of creative community

09:32:20 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

A little "Pepperism". I like it!

09:32:23 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Adrian, Kenny, and Marcela, would love to include you (as well as others) On the Community Advisory Panel we are starting to develop with Metromorphosis and Build Baton Rouge

09:32:48 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Lets definitely chat Manny - thank you for thinking of us!

09:32:58 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Anyone interested, please contact me. We have had many start/stops this year but looking to have some info intro session in the new year.

09:34:22 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone:

Thank you Marcela!

09:34:45 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:35:04 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

I should have said football, soccer, basketball and LSU gymnastics! That is our sportsman paradise!

09:35:23 From Judy Touzin to Everyone:

Your words are equally eloquent, Casey šŸ˜Š

09:36:13 From Judy Touzin to Everyone:

Hillary...your perspective and experience is just as rich and valid as everyone else's. Please keep walking in that poweršŸ™šŸ¾

09:36:17 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

They are welcome on One Rouge! Every Friday share with your friends and neighbors!

09:36:52 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

We should all invite a few more people to these calls. Someone you wouldnā€™t think to ask.

09:37:00 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Thank u Hillary-,network

09:37:24 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Welcome to the space! Thanks Hillary!

09:37:34 From Kim Mosby, Vera to Everyone:

I appreciate sharing space with all of you & hearing truth! Have a great weekend! Hope you all get a chance to relax and rejuvenate as the year ends.

09:37:37 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Just one of the projects I am working on with folks down thereā€¦

09:38:06 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

I have a Keurig in my office, come visit!

09:38:12 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

09:38:37 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

And the CLBT (board member David Summers on the call)

09:39:11 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone:

Thank you to all of the speakers today. Great conversations all around.

09:39:12 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

(Page 46)

09:39:21 From Marcela Hernandez, LMSW- LORI to Everyone:

Everyone is welcome to LORI's office to gather together and have some goof Colombian coffee!

09:39:27 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Find a Metro Council district you have never visited and be intentional about having coffee in that district!

09:39:40 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

09:39:48 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

FYI Just tech fellowship has an info session today

09:39:49 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

09:39:58 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

The Just Tech Fellowship supports and mobilizes diverse and cross-sector cohorts of researchers and practitioners to imagine and create more just, equitable, and representative technological futures. Fellows will identify and challenge injustices emerging from new technologies, and pursue solutions that advance social, political, and economic rights.

09:40:16 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

For Kenny and other creative change makers in BR

09:40:31 From Christian Engle - YMCA of the Capital Area to Everyone:

Soji is my daughter's favorite place..

09:40:47 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

And Echoing Green -

09:41:05 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Letā€™s keep inviting people to these calls ā€”ā€”- so people know these conversations are happening! That should be a small part of our homework every week -

09:41:14 From Adrian Owen Jones to Everyone:

Fundraisers make change happen!!!

09:41:18 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Hope to keep it that way Christian haha!

09:41:33 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

I like hearing from other people and seeing more unfamiliar faces on the call

09:41:49 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Go Chelsea!!!!

09:41:59 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Exactly Manny :)

09:42:18 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Pepper you are a jewel šŸ’Ž

09:42:42 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Casey, we need to have a meal with Mr Bell ...

09:42:51 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Or a One Rouge BBQ?

09:42:57 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Yeah You Right Manny P

09:42:59 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Can we have like a flyer to invite peopleā€¦ like a one rouge biz card to hand to future friends and collaborators when we are out and about

09:43:16 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Figure out how to elevator pitch someone to come join us

09:43:57 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Wait, Mr. Bell has A RADIO SHOW?!

09:44:10 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Respect our neighbors enough to meet them where they live!

09:44:13 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

Is there a OneRouge QR code?

09:44:14 From Chelsea Morgan to Everyone:

Memphis Mac BBQ at a OneRouge potluck?!?

09:44:14 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

I want to know everything about your radio show

09:44:21 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Bring it to KidzFEST!!! Second sat in June

09:44:22 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

Memphis Mac!!!!

09:44:24 From Flitcher R. Bell to Everyone:

09:44:24 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

So there

09:44:28 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Heck ya!

09:44:30 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:


09:44:32 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

I'm in!

09:44:35 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

It would be great!

09:44:37 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Whoop whoop

09:44:43 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

Yes please! Is OneRouge going to be at 225 Fest?

09:44:45 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

AND can get me down to EBR

09:45:00 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Come on manny!

09:45:12 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Perhaps I can also have the info session about the Community Advisory Panel

09:45:28 From Mary Stein to Everyone:

we'll be breaking ground at Scotlandville Branch LIbrary expansion soon thereafter...

09:45:37 From Alexis Jones to Everyone:

Great idea!

09:46:36 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:


09:46:42 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:48:23 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:

Re-Entry Housing Roundtable, January 18, 2023! In Baton Rouge join us. For more information

09:49:02 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Thank you Pepper!

09:49:55 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Hello, thank you Pat LeDuff

09:49:55 From Marcela Hernandez, LMSW- LORI to Everyone:

Will miss you!

09:49:55 From Judy Touzin to Everyone:

Rest is a critical part of the movement

09:49:57 From Tristi Charpentier | HAWF (she/her) to Everyone:

Rest and restoration are vital!

09:49:58 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Dont Forget Podcasts, Casey!

09:50:11 From Kenny Nguyen to Everyone:

Happy holidays. Looking forward to getting lunch wit the four of you that already signed up <3

09:50:12 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Merry Christmas my friends

09:50:25 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

2023 is it!!

09:50:37 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

yes Manny!!!!!

09:50:38 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:


09:50:39 From Rev Anderson to Everyone:

Love you back Casey

09:50:54 From Patrishaā€™s iPhone to Everyone:

Love you guys

09:50:54 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Sending love to everyone - be gentle with yourselves

09:50:57 From rodneyna Capitol Park Museum to Everyone:

So much love to all of you!

09:51:04 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

Thank you all!

09:51:10 From Manny Patole to Everyone:

A free book for you all

09:51:11 From Verna Bradley-Jackson to Everyone:

Thanks One Rouge Team!

09:51:17 From Mariana Montero to Everyone:

Happy Holidays.

09:51:22 From iPhone (2) to Everyone:

Thank you everyone

Community Announcements

Take care of yourselves and each other! See you in the New Year.

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