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OneRouge Community Check-In: Week 235

Writer's picture: OneRougeOneRouge

Reflecting, Recharging, and Reconnecting: Wisdom from Our Guest Speakers

As we bid farewell to 2024, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the incredible insights shared by our guest speakers this year, experts in meditation, mindfulness, and cultivating positive energy. These thought leaders have inspired us to pause, breathe, and align with our deeper purpose, reminding us of the power of collective well-being and intentional living.

From techniques for grounding ourselves in the present to practices that foster gratitude and resilience, our speakers encouraged us to recharge not only for ourselves but for the benefit of our community. They emphasized that meditation is not just an individual journey but a way to create a ripple effect of positivity that strengthens the bonds between us.

As we look ahead to 2025, let’s carry these lessons with us. By reflecting on our experiences, recharging our spirits, and reconnecting with our purpose, we can continue to build a vibrant and supportive community. Here’s to embracing mindfulness and good vibes in the year to come—together, we thrive!

Welcome our guest speakers Dorcas Brandon, with Red Shoes Yoga and Danielle Phillips of The Blooming Magnolia.



Casey Phillip: Welcome everybody on a happy Friday. Happy holidays. And we've been having a happy conversation about being a kid so hard and sometimes, especially with Christmas plays and everything, and we were just all reminiscing on embarrassing stories of Christmas.

Alexis Phillip: My family one year, I was really sick, and like every 15 minutes when I coughed, someone would give me like Robitussin, and I was like Robitussined out at 11 years old, just,  yeah, that's what I, that's what I think of, and then the quintessential stand in front of the a fireplace with my grandpa's beer and unlit cigarette in my mouth, taking a picture at 7. So anyways, those are my super country Man, I love my Texas flowers so much. What did you say? 

Tia Fields: I was asking, where are you from again? You said your country childhood. 

Alexis: I was born in Wichita Falls, Texas. It's a tiny town under Oklahoma, yeah, very southern.  

Casey: Love that Texas flower of mine. Welcome everybody who's joining us now. We're sharing fun childhood Christmas stories, however you celebrate the holidays. As in may it be peaceful, restorative, and quite frankly, as if you're looking to cut up a little bit and blow a little steam off during the holidays, I hope you get to do that too. As I said, it's been a year. And I'm just really thankful to each of you that are here continuing to build and expand our community and with one region, I'm eternally grateful for all of these years of people spending their Fridays in building together. And speaking of my gratitude, I just want to make sure and say it, everybody on the walls team I direct this to, and we'll be celebrating together later. But Ann and Helena. And Tia, specifically around the One Rouge Fridays. Incredible work this year. Thank y'all so much for everything that you give to this world. And I'm going to turn it over to the hostess of Holiday Cheer.  

Tia: Extra funny. I won't be a Grinch on this call, but good morning and happy Friday, One Rouge family. I don't know if my guest speakers had an opportunity to hear me. Cause we're We were chitter chatting Danielle and Dorcas, did you guys have an opportunity to log in yet? Yes, Okay. Good morning. I'm so grateful to have both you guys on this call, especially you miss Brandon for answering the call in such a short notice to bring some good vibes and cheer for the holidays. If you would, pleasure you have five minutes just to introduce yourself, talk a little about who you are, what it is that you do, and give us a fun Christmas fact and then we'll switch it over to Danielle.

Dorcas Brandon: A fun Christmas fact. First, I'm Dorcas Brandon. I know what that says on there and it does not say Dorcas, but it's me. I am the associate director at the Red Shoes here in Baton Rouge. We are a non-profit that serves in a way that promotes personal and spiritual growth.  And so all of our programs are catered toward that. We are partnering with the Walls Project for the Martin Luther King Day of Service. So just throwing that little tidbit in there. Introduce myself and then a Christmas fact, I think is it what you said? 

Tia: Something fun that you want to share.  

Dorcas: Something fun I want to share. I don't know. I'm also an artist. I know Casey is waiting for me to say that I am a content creator. I'm a creative just plain and simple. I do like to keep things light, but I also like to keep things real. So real light and really real. And that's it. That's all I got. 

Tia:  I'll take that. And I'm definitely going to take that. I like to keep things light and but I like to keep things for beautiful. Good morning, Danielle. You want to take a moment to introduce yourself to our community.

Danielle Phillips: Of course. Good morning. My name is Danielle. I am Okay, I do a lot. I own the Blooming Magnolia, which is a spiritual and wellness apothecary. I am a certified herbalist, guided meditation, practitioner, and intuitive medium. I also create private label products such as candles, teas, tinctures, oils all things herbal medicine. My passion is merging wellness with spirituality because I feel like the two walk together. I teach about ancestor reverence, communication, things like that. I currently work at Bohemian Cove. I'm the manager there and we, it's a metaphysical store here in Baton Rouge. And I teach our host full moon release ceremonies at the Red Shoes. That's how I met Dorcas. Let me see. My fun Christmas thing or holiday thing. Year my family my family gets together every year for Christmas Eve. And this year we have four sisters, so there's five girls, no boys. And this year we're having a moomoo’s competition. So everybody gets to dress up in Moomoo's and that's going to be our fun thing this year. Even the kids participate.

Tia: If you're on social media, I really look forward to seeing some pictures in Moomoo's. A couple of days ago, I seen a group of people. They did Moomoo's and Mimosas. So it was their speaking on brunch. And I thought it was hilarious. 

Danielle: Okay. Yeah, that's cute. I have to steal that one.

Tia: We love Moomoo. Dorcas and Danielle for you, Dorcas, working in a non profit space, and you, Danielle, working in an area that deals heavily with fluid energy I hear you mention that you manage Bohemian Cove, one of my favorite stores. I will ask you to pull me a tarot card if you got a deck on you. But, Can you talk a little bit? Can you guys just share a little bit on some of the ways that you guys have found useful and personal practice on how to just decentralize from dealing with so many energies towards the end of the year? 

Dorcas: Okay. I have something prepared, but that's something separate. So can you threw me off a little bit? So let me think. So dealing with so many energies number one, I have to,  I always real understand that we're all human and everyone is walking in their own walk and in doing, in understanding that. However, this person may have responded to me, whether it be Favorable, whether it be, I may feel a little slighted or it, it really has nothing to do with me and everything to do with whatever the path that they're on. Understanding not to take things personally because. Again, they're different people in their own energy at that particular moment. Just knowing whatever, knowing what my intentions are for that particular moment, knowing that, if my intentions are pure. Then great. I already know the end result is going to be pure because I started off with pure intentions. So I always look inward and understand that, hey, this person may be having a great day and this person may not be, and that has nothing to do with me. 

Tia: I appreciate that. And I apologize if I threw you off. I definitely look at anything that you have prepared. I just want to give an icebreaker to say, like, how do we it's the end of the year  winding down from work things we're getting ready to head into the holiday season where we're going to be seeing family members that we may or may not really get to see. Too much care for, or absolutely love it. Just thinking of ways to take off our work hat, let go of the things that we've been holding onto for the year, and just to be able to open up in space with our family and friends to enjoy the holiday season. So I really love your point of view of not taking anything personal, making sure we always have a great intent right heart space. With interacting. What about you, Danielle? 

Danielle: That's funny. I just had that conversation the other day with a client. And my suggestion to her was exactly what my husband and myself do all the time. And I told her, create a safe word, find a trusted person and create a safe word, especially when you're in spaces with family and they can be rah sometimes, but create that safe word with that trusted person and let them know what that safe word means for you. For instance, with myself and my husband, if we're out somewhere and things get a little too tense, or the energy is just a little off or uncomfortable, I'll look at him and say, you good? And he'll look at me and say, yes, that is code for let's go. Find your person and create a code word. I have the same thing with my sisters. We have our own little signals and codes, but find a thing that works for you. And sometimes it doesn't mean, okay, let's go. It's just, let me go and take a moment. Let me go breathe. When we do like, three breaths in three breaths out, hold it for a moment, just so I can get through whatever it is to bring myself back to center. And I always like to share with people, find your center.  Where there's a word that brings you back, something that grounds you and reminds you of what you're doing and why you're doing it. 

Tia: That's perfect. I think in like my personal experiences going through like different meetings throughout the year, you're always like in professional mode or in a certain type of light that you're holding yourself. And so when it's time to be around friends and family, I think I have personally struggled with that space of being able to enjoy myself and be present. I'm no longer working. This is supposed to be a joyous moment. I should be able to dance even though I have two left feet. And just be in the spirit. So just like really, how do I switch my mind off from work into a space of joyous and happy energy. So I really appreciate that. Dorcas, I am curious to see and know what you have prepared for us. It's roughly prepared. 

Dorcas: But I know you, I said something about mindfulness and just, and I was like, okay, so what am I going to talk about? And so I can be a talker sometimes. I just paid attention to some of the conversations that I had. I've been having these in the past couple of days. And I'm like, okay, yeah, I want to mention that. Okay. Yeah. I want to mention that. And just some things to put on our minds. As we leave this year, going to the new year, as we're interacting with people, especially in the space that we're in. And so these are some challenging some challenges, or just things to think about. I want to talk about value. Casey mentioned gratitude earlier. I want to talk about gratitude and I want to talk about intention and so with value, challenging us to take inventory of what we value and who we value and why. And that conversation came up when we were talking about someone who is wealthy and how, people don't generally check this person because of maybe what transcript. What they offer, the monetary value that they have. And when they are, when they need to be checked, people shy away from that. Why is that is because you value this person because of what they have, but you are willing to correct somebody else. So do you hold this person at a higher standard? Why do we value this, these people or these opportunities? Is it because of prestige? Is it because ego is our intentions, pure, things like that. Or do we value this person because of their character, what they offer to the table or do we value them simply because they're human? And that's just something to consider. It's just a conversation that I had with someone, and it's just something that I wanted to bring to this talk. Gratitude.  Now, it's so easy for us as humans to focus on the negative, I don't, it's just human nature. And, but the thing that happens is when we don't focus On when we focus on what's not, we typically disregard what is, and we take for granted what is and then when those things get taken from us, then we realize, being present, you mentioned being present in the moment. Looking at, oh I didn't get this opportunity, or I don't have that, or they didn't do that who did do that, who is there for you, what opportunity do you have, and make the most of that, because, possibly when we do what we can with what we have, then that's what, that is the abundant Mindset and being grateful for what we have. I feel like I'm rambling. I hope my plane is landing. And lastly I want to talk about intention. Why do we do the things that we do?  And why don't we do the things we don't do? What is the motive? Is it protection?  Is it retaliation? Is it personal gain? Or is it because it's just the right thing to do? We can, we are in a time where, sometimes people can just be out for themselves. Or self promotion, self elevation. And really Checking in with ourselves, like why am I really doing this, or why am I not really doing this and really becoming more self aware when it comes to the things that we do and the motives that we have, and is this really beneficial for humankind or is this just really beneficial for myself? And I put little quotes in here as examples, like I'm not doing this because they didn't do it for me. But, I can have that attitude sometimes, but is that, where is that coming from? What is the intent? Is the intent Because I had external expectations, or, is this, you know what, this is the right thing to do. So I'm just going to put my ego to the side and I'm going to do the right thing.  I put plant the seed of goodness and be not the fruit of negativity. So  that's pretty much all I had prepared for today. I hope those planes landed.

Tia: Definitely. I'm putting a poll in the chat because one thing that you talked on and I want Danielle to touch on it is about values makes me curious about what are the ways that we can assess and reassess what we value and then making a determinant factor that as I look over the year these personal values that I hold was something that helped me or hurt me through throughout this year. Is this something that I'm gonna continue to take with me? Is this a viewpoint or value system that I'm gonna carry with me going into the next year? Danielle, what's your viewpoint on values and the ways that those can be assessed or reassessed? 

Danielle: That's a great question. About six years ago, I lost literally everything in a four month span. I lost my dream job. Got a divorce, lost my mom, had to relocate, lost my house, everything. And I remember taking my laptop to a coffee shop and I was like, okay, something has to change. And three words came to mind. I was like, there was, Three words that came to mind, what I want to embody, what I want to bring into my life, what I want my relationships to foster, no matter what it is, it needs to bring me a form of luxury. So luxury in my mind could be me going to buy a new water bottle. I don't care. That's my thing. My form of luxury.  Leisure being able to start my morning off a little slower sometimes or taking the weekend off not being constantly in the rat race because at the time I worked in health care and as a health care director and I was constantly on call.So I wanted leisure  and peace. All my relationships should provide me with a level of peace. So those three things have been my theme for the past six years. If it doesn't bring me a form of luxury, leisure, or peace, then it's not for me.

Tia: Say it again. If it doesn't bring you what? 

Danielle: Luxury, leisure, or peace. Okay. Okay. When we think about these systems, okay. Yeah. So that's how I place everything into a category. Even when it comes down to things I don't really want to do, because a lot of times the magic for us is in the thing that we don't want to do or the thing that we refuse to do. And that doing that thing could bring me a level of  luxury for exposure, leisure, because I got it done. Now I can go rest in peace. I don't have to think about it anymore. So everything for me, falls into that category. I'm thinking about changing it up for the new year and creating three new words since I've hold on to those for so long, but. Yeah, feel free to steal it. 

Tia: I know I will. So I'm like my mind is doing a mile a minute right now as it normally does. So I'm thinking about on a personal level about gratitude, about values, about being intentional. But then I also want to give acknowledgments to everybody that's on this call because we all do so work and we know that could sometimes be slow work. A group, as a collective how  are some ways that we can set each other up from an organizational standpoint to be to be grateful, but to set some real peer intentions for the incoming year, because although we're winding down from 2024, somewhere in my mind is still you still got work to do. You still need to make sure that you have everything planned for the first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. How is it as. A group, can we practice being intentful with the way we want to show up coming in 2025? That's anybody's question.

Dorcas: I'll say just always bringing it back to whatever the mission is. If whatever your, whatever, do my actions align with the mission,  making  whatever the plan is, whatever the action is, whatever the thought is. If your mission is to do this regardless of, any It may, if it puts this person in position, or if it puts that person in position, or if it, if what, regardless of whatever the circumstance, how it may affect, if it doesn't promote you or  it may not, it may later, but what is the mission, what, and do my actions, do my thoughts do my plans align with that and just being intentional in that and staying true to that and not wavering from it. And if you. Make sure that you're aligned with that. Then you're following through with the intention. That's my answer.  

Danielle: Yeah, if I can jump in, I think someone shared with me recently. Always remember your why. And for me, my why is my family. In my community. So whatever it is that you're doing, especially with it being a collective goal and a collective project. Keep in mind, I'm doing this for myself, my family and my community. And if everyone has that same goal and that same mission, just like Dorcas said, it can help propel you to heights that you don't even see or imagine. And also,  everyone won't stand in the light at the same time. And that is okay because that just means that the light is still in the room. It may not be on you right now, but it's still in the room. So sometimes We have to delay personal gratification for the grand mission and for the bigger goal. That's just my tidbit. 

Tia: So speaking of the our wise and my wise and delaying personal gratification, when I think about, cause I'm really like stuck on this word value, and I promise you, I'm gonna go to the next next topic. But when I think about value I'm curious about a value trade.  Feel free to answer in the chat or come off mute and share but if there is someone else who In your life, whether a colleague, friend, spouse, next door neighbor, pet would you want to swap one of your personal values with, or trade with who in your life has values that you respect and could probably incorporate into your life, or what organization has values that you could incorporate into your life? Just curious.

Dorcas: I'll jump in. I'll talk about my mom. My mom has a way, not to say that I'm not forgiving,  but she is on a different level than myself. And I definitely commend her and look up to her in the way that she can just wash the slate clean. And that is definitely something of value, a trait that she has  that not to say that I don't have it, but she has it in a way that I definitely have to work up to.

Tia: Anyone else interested in sharing if they could do a value trade with someone in their life, an organization even if it was just for a day, who around you find  power in the things that they hold value in? In the chat, I put ACO, which is Alexandra Acosta. She's a state Senate. And one thing I really love about her personal values is that she never lost core to who she is as an Hispanic woman living in America. Some of the struggles that she reflects on in her personal journey ultimately shaped me that she shows up in these spaces and I think that the fact that she always carries a little piece of home with her is something that I can challenge myself to make a value in because a lot of times as we move throughout life, we transform the way that we think the things that we believe what was true yesterday may not be true today,  just depending on experiences. So I think a value point that I would like to embody for myself going into 2025 is to, have a spirit of gratitude for my childhood, my upbringing whether it was negative or positive, but just never forgetting who I am, where I came from and where it is that I'm trying to go. I definitely will am interested to hear if anyone else has anything they would like to share as it relates to values. And if not, we'll go on to gratitude next. Oh, y'all are not giving me no feedback today. This is so hard. So hard. I'm looking for somebody to help me out over here. 

Dorcas: I've seen Morgan put under consumption in the chat about a value. So I guess consuming less buying less, which kind of goes filters back into gratitude because Why buy more when you just be happy with what you already have. 

Tia: Okay. Under consumption. Jen, I thought I seen your hand up. You want to share? 

Jen Tewell: Yeah. So one of my dearest and oldest friends who's also been a mentor, her name's Dani Robbins. She works in nonprofit spaces and she is the most direct and fierce.  Woman I have ever met. And she not only lives her values, like in the work that she does, but also personally, and I admire that so much. She does not compromise her integrity. And  that is  a rare thing in my experience. So thanks for the question.  

Tia: So I, what I hear you say is that 2025, you're going in with a bad ass kick ass attitude.  

Jen: That is the hope, my friend. That is the hope. 

Tia: Morgan, come on. 

Morgan Udoh: So speaking on the under consumption aspect, it was this has been something I've been wrestling with over the year,  particularly with my four year old, because I noticed that a lot of the time that we would spend together would involve Like having to go buy something or pay for something. And obviously in this economy, that's not as attainable as it used to be. But I bristle that the fact that when I would pick her up for school, sometimes she's I want to go buy something. I want to get something. I want this toy or whatever. And I know that's a natural thing that kids do, but instead of just like giving into it, I was like Do you actually want the thing or do you just want time with me? Do you want me to give you, because there's things we can do and not have to spend money. Do you just want mommy's undivided attention? And she said yes. And so instead of going to buy a slime kit or something, whatever, that would be quickly used in 15 minutes and she'd be on to the next thing. It was like, okay, we're gonna go home and you tell me what you want to play. And it was, of course, she's four. So it's like, Pretending to shop and pretending to be scientists and imaginative play and all this stuff that doesn't cost a dime. But what she really wanted was for me to be off my phone and not looking at anything else and giving her a hundred percent of my attention for a full hour. And that's all it took. So sometimes it's just reconsidering the assets that we do have. And time is an asset. We don't always have to. Spend money in order to show the people around us that we care.

Tia: That's amazing. Morgan when I've seen the word under consumption, I thought something completely different. But to know that and to be mindful of there are other ways that we should show our love and affection that doesn't necessarily equate to something that has to be monetized or whatnot. And just brings it back to saying being grateful for what we have, I do and the purpose of this call was definitely to be interactive y'all. So I don't want to just keep speaking, but I did want to hop in with a virtual gratitude jar. You can either drop it in a chat or come off mute to give a word of gratitude to share it with someone else on this call. 

Ashlyn Harrison: I would like to start with, giving you to thanks and gratitude for creating this space on Fridays. I feel like  On my way to the office listening or sitting at my desk listening, it's always been a space that I think feels free and I want, I'm grateful for that. So thank you. 

Tia: So again what's out there right now is if you had to write one thing you're grateful for this year on a slip of paper, What would it be? You can come off a mute and share it, or you can put it in the chat on what it is that you're grateful for 2024 as we come to a close.

Helena Sato: Mine I think might be a little silly, but I'm really grateful for technology right now because just, For example, the call that we've been able to have since 2024 would have never been really possible for us. And being able to keep meeting every week so easily is really amazing. And also on a personal end my husband is in another country. And so technology, being able to FaceTime and all of that really has been very helpful With distance. So that's my gratitude. 

Alexis: I wanted to share. I wanted to share that. I'm very obviously very personal, but I'm very grateful for my husband and I'm so proud of him this year and it makes me cry, but I just love this. This group and it's incredible. And I'm just like, it's so awesome to see get involved and transform and become deeper and just more and more meaningful every week. But on a personal tip, I just have to say how much I love my Casey and I'm just really proud of him this year.  

Tia: That's beautiful, Alexis. We love you too, Casey. And we love you even more, Alexis. I do believe personally, a lot of his great attributes come from having such a strong and beautiful woman as yourself. And for some reason, because of you and 11:11, whenever I see 11:11, I always think of Alexis Phillips. Reverend Anderson, we're sharing some gratitude this morning. 

Reverend Anderson: If I had to pick one word, it would be my partners.  The work that I do is only possible because of my partners.  And everybody knows that to be my friend is a full time working job.  And so many of our partners are  quiet, just amazing cheerleaders.  And  I want to especially say thank you to Casey because of that. There is a very special gift that he gives me on a fairly routine basis that allows me to do a lot of things in downtown comfortably. But it is the partnerships because I think sometimes when we are not  paying attention or we're just really trying to take the spotlight, we don't realize how much of what We do on are able to accomplish  is because of all the other people we work with  and so at least for me starting with  The Thanksgiving season I go out of my way to try to remember to say Thank you, and to be very specific about what that means. I can't go in the court every single day without  Dozen people  making it possible for me to do what I do. I can't do most of what I do. Sometimes there are hundreds of people that are part of that network of getting just even one thing accomplished for somebody that's just as impacted. And I really try to be intentional  about my thank you so that it's not generic. It is based on how much you those individuals poured in,  and people hear me say all the time, what an amazing library system we have here, but that library system consists of real human beings who go out of their way to do things, and they do it routinely. So routinely, sometimes we think that's the norm, and I've been enough other places to know that's not the norm. So for me, it is, Partners, but it is also the recognition that they are the oxygen for me. They are how I accomplish things. I don't walk alone. And so for me, it is that partnership and the gift that. It works. Sometimes we think about all the things that don't work  and we don't put oxygen to the things that do. So that's me. 

Tia: Thank you so much Reverend Anderson and for always like just being a space and a personal mentor to me and as well as a lot of other community members here in Baton Rouge. You're just an awesome resource of a health and love and I can never forget that your Rolodex is one of your best assets. Dorcas. As I wrap up on the topic of gratitude. Can you play the time machine game with me and share a moment where you can reflect that you were extremely grateful for?

Dorcas: A time where I was extra. There are so many. Hmm. I'll say Gosh, there's so many that's running through my mind, but I was act, actually I was typing in the chat when you called my name, so I was just like, okay, I'm gonna just stop typing and just but  I'll say what I was typing was I am grateful for my tribe, my chosen family right now. I have definitely  grown as a person. All around in so many realms in this past year, and it is  definitely it's definitely a What is the word I'm looking for? I don't know. Bottom line my chosen family, my tribe, the people that I can call on, or not even call them, but they just come and check on me or tell me the things that I need to hear or do things that I was not expecting them to do. And, just the support that that, just that little bit of extra. Something that is so special that they don't even realize, that is definitely something that I'm grateful for, um, going back into our actions and what we do. And you never really know. What those words or what that little action that you did for that person, what that means for them in that particular moment in time, because once again, we are all walking this thing called life and you never know. What someone is actually battling or going through in a moment. And so that act of kindness or that just, that little thing that you may have said to someone or that smile or that, that hug, that, that little extra squeeze you just don't know what that means to a person in that. Moment in time. And so just always being mindful of how we value each other as humans. And I am grateful for the people that are around me that have shown their value. The value that they have for me as a human being from one human being to another.  So that is what I'm grateful for your tribe. 

Tia: That's beautiful. I'll express a moment of gratitude to you again. For your, your posture in the community from being loving from being a thought leader. Someone that when I think of Bohemian, hippie, spiritual, down to earth, fashionista, that I know that if no one else was going to able to help navigate this conversation on gratitude and attention, it would be you, and then you were able to bring another important human being into this space. Miss Danielle, earlier you said that You guys, your family guys did like some intent and intention setting, and then I watched your video about the full moon releasing. Before I go into my community announcements, I would like for you to end us with legacy intention answering the question that at this time next year, what type of impact would you say you would like to leave on the people? 

Danielle: Oh, I love that so much. Cause I've been having that conversation like this whole I guess holiday season so far. For me, I think about how during this time and we talk about, the birth of Jesus and the miracle and all that. And then we turn it inward and We expect such grand miracles in our own personal lives. And I often remind myself, going back to gratitude, how grand does the thing have to be for you to consider it a miracle? And when I think about different things that I'm grateful for, I'm like, wait, but  that didn't have to happen. So that's still a miracle, no matter how big or how small it is. I always come back to that gratitude or that small, Oh, That happened. Okay. Nobody was in that spot at the gas station. I could pull up and get right there and I'm not going to be late to work. I consider that a miracle, too. So in my work and in the things that I do and just with family and friends, I try to make sure I remind people, because  My family always says, Oh, you always so positive. And I'm like, we have to look at that side because it keeps you grounded. It keeps you  grounded to what is, good, what is pure, what is true. And whenever we think about those negative things and let those negative thoughts come in, it tends to amplify and create more of that. So  me just sitting in and sharing with other people. Think about it this way. But this good thing happened and all of that, or within, whatever struggles we have in life, we know that on the other side of that struggle is going to be that miracle, no matter how grand or how small. And for me right now, I don't have children. So I try and teach this to my nieces and my nephews. And it, Excites me because my niece is 17 when she calls me at the end of her work day and she'll say, this happened at work and this is how I handled it. And I'm like, good job girl. Like you did that. That's my baby.  So when I think about legacy, that's what I think about. I think about how I am teaching my family, my nieces and nephews, how to show up as their authentic selves, how to hold space and accept every small miracle with gratitude. 

Tia: That's beautiful. And I'll take that. I thank you women. Thank you women. Thank you ladies for joining us today. Please stick on or drop your information in the chat if anyone wants to get connected with you guys. We're going to transition into our community announcements. If anyone has anything going on tonight, this weekend, or during the holiday season, now is the time to share.And I have some announcements after Marcela. 

Marcela Hernandez: Good morning, everyone. I hope you guys are doing wonderful today. Thank you for such a beautiful session. There's so many things that we need to be grateful for, even the smallest. Sometimes we take for granted the smallest things and those are the ones that enrich our life the most. So thank you so much for making us think about the importance of being thankful. So tonight we're going to have our bandwagon It's going to be at 6 30 here at the office at the Family Youth and Service Center. We're actually talking about gratitude and talking about giving thanks to other. That's the reason why we're doing it because we want to give thanks to our partners and all of our friends who are in this pandemic. Fight with us the social justice fight that sometimes can be very drowning, exhausting, frustrating, but because of people like you and our partners and all of our friends were able to keep on doing the work that we do. So  I just wanted to extend this big invitation for you guys. Once again, it's.  And it's at the Family Youth and Service Center. I am posting the flyer right now on the chat. It will be wonderful if you can come and join us. It's going to start at 6. 30. And the program will end at 8. And then we're going to have a gathering and some dancing and music. And we're also going to have  observational objects. Come and celebrate with us. Enjoy and have fun and be grateful with us. So I hope I'll see you tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day. 

Tia: Awesome. I look forward to seeing you tonight, Marcella. Um, posh gift shopping and great sweet treats. 36 17 Perkins at Acadian. That's from Miss LeDuff. Definitely want to make sure if you haven't supported or would like to continue to support posh pop, please make sure that you go and see them on Perkins row. There also are a host. We have a list of flyers in the chat for you guys to take a look at if you're planning holiday events for your family in town or those who are coming. And the last thing is that this will be our last call for the year. We will return back online on January 10th resuming the rest of our Friday calls and then after that we have MLK. So just want to keep you guys abreast and if anyone has anything else they would like to share, now's the space.

Helena: Yeah, I threw it in the chat too. But with MLK,  I would love to see everyone on this call as a resource vendor. It's a free spot. We'll have plenty of space for a 10 by 10 setup of a table and booth setup. And there's so many great resources in Baton Rouge. I really would love to see everyone here on this call represented there. 

Casey: Thank you. Yeah, Helena. I'll even echo on that. Many of y'all remember what MLK Fest used to be like before COVID in the size and the scope of that in the community connections that were made during that process. That is something we lean back to. For several years. We wanted to give space for other groups to lead and the mayor's office to do what they wanted to do. But as we roll into 2025, we are looking to rebuild MLK Fest year by year back into the size and scope and right in the heart of the purpose built community work that Envision BR. Is is leading with community. So I just want to make sure and lift up that this is like a, it goes way beyond just this year's festival. This is a way to create the galvanize those connections in the heart of the city, right? On the border of mid city and North Baton Rouge. It's in the center of our city. If you think about the way that's physically oriented, and it's real important for the community to come together over the next 10 years to ensure community voice, community power and community equity is in the future of North Baton Rouge and North Mid City. That's what this MLK Fest kicks off and that's the process. It's a year round work. It just culminates, at the beginning of the year, all band together. So I'm going to echo Helena's. Call for everyone on this call to be involved in MLK Fest in some capacity. It costs nothing for you all, and we want to connect you into the community. So if you are interested please reach out to Helena and Morgan and Ann and Tia on our team. There is also a One Rouge Poverty Summit that is occurring on April, January 17th. Unlike other, it's ironic. Every time I see that there's summits or workshops around ending poverty, they always cost 250 to 400 to attend, which I always find interesting. This is obviously free of charge, just like everything we do. And, bring your voice to that table if you're interested in learning more about that. Tia Fields and Sheretta Harrison for metamorphosis or co-curating that experience. And that is going to be on Friday, January 17th. So please do connect with them if you are interested in that work. Okay, I'm done with self promotion and it's really community promotion, but I really wanted to come in there hard because many of you all are responsible. And the reason why MLK fest became a thing, and we are looking to grow it in new directions with new leadership and new voices from the community. Andceverybody else that's already committed in the planning work and Geno and everyone who's been in that bald  thankful for you. Lean it out. Happy 2024. Everybody. Let's go this year.  

Tia: Reverend Anderson. 

Reverend Anderson: Good morning again. Sorry, froggy voice.  As some of you may know, and some of you may not know, we have another person who died in custody in East Baton Rouge Parish on December 2nd. And one of the things that happens when these deaths occur. Is that family's lives completely disrupted in every single way. And one of the things that we have been helping this particular family with is the young man  had a beloved dog who was a German shepherd named nightmare.  And his death obviously made that dog homeless  and  the ability of my village to be able to help get that dog rehoused.  Was nothing short than amazing. But the reason I bring that up is because during the holidays, unfortunately, a lot of people think pets as gifts.  And I really wanted to remind everybody  to please remind your network.  Pets aren't gifts.  They are lifelong responsibilities.  Most pets now live an average  10 to even 25 years. And so I encourage everybody,  if you are thinking about getting a pet, that kind of thing, just be very mindful  that they are  living creatures and they need to have all of their needs met. Medical, financial, companionship. And I stress this so much because again, for that family, one of the most tragic parts of this. There was an animal who shared a very real part of their lives that because of the situation they had to make sure it was taken care of and they went through  doing that and so I just wanted to remind people in this holiday season,  be very intentional. If you're getting a pet to have those hard conversations, there's lots of pets that need homes. So I'm not telling people not to adopt. I'm just saying, be very mindful. That it's a real responsibility. Thank you.  

Tia: Absolutely. Thank you so much. Reverend Anderson. If I have no other announcements, I would just like to say thank you everybody for sticking in it in with us for 235 Fridays. Coming into the new year. I hope somebody has a dietician that I can get on the call to talk about all the bad eating that we're going to do this holiday season. I look forward to seeing you guys on January 10th. Much love, all light, and I will see you. 

Casey: Have a beautiful new year. Wonderful humans. Happy holidays.



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