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CAFE Coalition Meeting #5 Notes

Writer's picture: Helena WilliamsHelena Williams

Meeting #5 - 12/08/22 Agenda: Here


Jan Ross • Donald Andrews •.Carl Motsenbocker • Casey Phillips• Helena Williams • Emily Chatelain • Patrick Tuck • Katie Horlander • Kelli Rogers • SK Groll • Caitlyn Scales • Monica Brown • Darlene Rowland • Chelsea Triche • Pepper Roussel

11/19 debrief


Story gathering is part of the collective impact model. Lots of pros and cons. Notes have suggestions in them Ex. how can CAFE help make partner orgs make evens like this become more effective

Helena, Rex, Nichola, Jan all there. It was the first time IFF has done this since COVID. The community had come to expect it 2x/year. Q: Is this an event we could help lift up >2x/year.

Folk who attended were familiar with the event and the neighborhood. Hands on for kids (specifically) was a huge hit. The reach could go a long way if it comes back on line as intentional and repeating.

Caitlyn Scales

Impressive and reassuring that we are doing the right thing in assisting to lift up in this coalition. The participants were very helpful and supportive of each other. Lots of sharing of info and conversations. Very good to see. A lot of opportunity to grow this and have it be what it could be. This is not IFF’s cup of tea, but it can be if they are shown how to do it. The potential is there! That neighborhood is in need for it to be an ongoing event.

Jan Ross

Was an indoor location inside a BREC facility on a cold and rainy day. When talking to people at IFF found out there were other events nearby that were similar. Will distribute links to Talkify to add to external calendars to share partner events so we can stop competing and help folk collaborate.

Notes for the audio that Sam recorded will be sent. As part of the canvas process, the answers influence other coalition focuses. And will help build towards something where we will do a better/greater job together.


Susan said there were 8 vax types which was a thing that wasn’t utilized as much by attendees. Some people found out about it by seeing the cars in the parking lot and just walked over.


Proximity of the Zion Terrace community and the Fall Fest that TOP has been a part of at Ardenwood Village. Used to have a text-based communication system to push info out to residents. Staff cannot work outside of 9-4, M-Fat the communities (i.e. when families utilize programming). This is a real opportunity for housing authority communities to build

SK Groll

Q: what does it mean to bridge the gap and develop wrap-around services?

Real opportunity to develop resident engagement and work with the housing authority.

Download the audio interviews of event attendees

Greaux the Good

Darlene Rowland

Came out of an 18mo advocacy period from a grant funded by AHA Voices for Healthy Kids for a successful campaign through LaLeg. Have a SNAP match program. Is a model around the country (22 states). Through the advocacy campaign pulled together a lot of people in the space. Bridged the relationships at the Capital with a lobbyist; even held a Farmer’s Market to show policy makers what it would look like if funded.

Awarded $889K to fund SNAP match at Farmers’ Markets - both new and (32?) existing markets. To help existing markets see the market match grow. Really unique in that we have dedicated staff. Rural areas don’t have the bandwidth to run full staff or do advocacy. Match transactions with SNAP are now available statewide.

Had 55 co-authors on the “feel good” bill of the session. Helps both urban and rural communities.

SNAP card gets swiped at the market. Red Stick matches up to $15/order. Crescent City does up to $60 usually, but temporarily have no limit. Token reconciliation reimbursement at the end of theMarket. Return via ACH deposit funds to farmers.

Market Umbrella is the statewide Admin. Chelsea Triche is the ED. This is only 1 year funding, but going back to LaLeg to try and move towards more stable funding so don’t have to look for state dollars to be reallocated annually.

Sign up

Apply for match grants

Provide to families.

Positioned this as an Ag Bill through the Ag Cmte to show the dual benefit of farmers and families. As a red, Southern state was an unexpected win, but think the positioning was key.

Carl Motsenbocker Q: Any economic impact data?

Chelsea Triche

Will be requesting reporting from partners based on reimbursement and disbursement. SNAP redemption data as a whole in the state to see whether they are higher since the program start. Available at farmer’s markets, farm stands, roadside stands, mobile stands, and CSAs. Money could be going directly to the farmer. Data is to see customer and disbursement tracking

Darlene Rowland

Overall economic revenue impact turnover is something BRAEDA has been talking with an economist to identify. Some language that FPAC provided.

Carl Motsenbocker

Looking at the impact of local to see with money spent, how many jobs can be created? LaLeg will give tax breaks if can prove.

Casey Phillips Q: Policy process to get this more galvanized in the new year?

Darlene Rowland

Have same lobbyist (Liz Mangam with SSA) she and her personal relationship were key to helping push this through. Same author (Jack McFarland) will author again this year Brought farmers to LaLeg to testify ← that testimony was key to getting the support needed.

Understanding Hurdles for 2023

SK Groll

Barrier: Having Urban Ag training in schools is that the current state ag science is based in big ag and we want to do Regenerative agriculture. Can we have a larger revision of those standards?

Monica Brown

Need: Grant to do pop up offices in rural areas we don't have offices in. Current grant out w/ No Kids Hungry. Working w/ Feeding Louisiana. Due Dec 20ish.

Carl Motsenbocker

Need: If they get a grant they need to hire 8 people to do work related to the grant. 5 year grant.

Action Items:

Action Item 1 - Homework: List building

Action Item 2 - Watch video

Chat Notes:

14:02:16 From One Rouge to Everyone:

Hey< CAFÉ! If you want to follow along, the agenda is here:

14:02:17 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

14:02:23 From Helena Williams to Everyone:


14:04:27 From Helena Williams to One Rouge(Direct Message):

I can do the video and visuals if you help take notes when I do

14:05:03 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

14:09:46 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

I was told there were 8 vaccinations.

14:12:26 From SK Groll to Everyone:

I want to lift up the opportunity for greater partnership with EBRPHA in events/programming like the IFF fair (given the proximity of Zion Terrace)

14:16:30 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone:

that was a fun event together :)

14:18:10 From Caitlyn Scales to Everyone:

I need to jumó off early. Wishing you all a great rest of the meeting!!!

14:21:27 From Carl Motsenbocker to Everyone:

Great program! It is great to see state funding!

14:23:09 From One Rouge to Everyone:

i was at the Market on Sunday. They have a temporary lift on the limit at Crescent City Markets. So as much as you want for the time being!

14:25:38 From Carl Motsenbocker to Everyone:

Are you gathering any economic data, other benefits?

14:26:46 From MONICA BROWN to Everyone:

the farmer's that testified were fantastic

14:28:59 From Donald Andrews to Everyone:

We have economist in the College of Business that maybe able to do a study if you have the data.

14:29:43 From Carl Motsenbocker to Everyone:

Matt Fanin at LSU assisted us using IMPLAN on substitution of local product for "imported" food into schools

14:33:19 From Patrick Tuck to Everyone:

If you need someone to get it to Houma, I can do that.

14:33:56 From Chelsea Triche, Market Umbrella to Everyone:

14:33:57 From Darlene Rowland-BREADA to Everyone:

I have to be at another appointment so have to run, but thank you for having us to share GTG!

14:34:31 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone:

Thank you both for all the information. Fantastic work!!!

14:34:42 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Fun fact: Last time I was at Tad Gormley stadium I saw the Ramones!

14:35:19 From Chelsea Triche, Market Umbrella to Everyone:

14:35:31 From Chelsea Triche, Market Umbrella to Everyone:

Thank you for the invitation.

14:35:50 From Helena Williams to Everyone:

14:46:46 From Carl Motsenbocker to Everyone:

The LSU Ag Education and Extension Dept. works in this area and were looking into this previously.

14:46:47 From Samantha Morgan to Everyone:

14:47:49 From Patrick Tuck to Everyone:

CTEs and LTEs

14:48:52 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

This is a perfect item for the policy work of CAFE

14:49:10 From One Rouge to Everyone:

you are speaking to my soul, casey phillips!

14:51:35 From One Rouge to Everyone:

can i come? i love eating!

14:51:43 From SK Groll to Everyone:

Pepper we can’t do this without you!

14:51:50 From One Rouge to Everyone:


14:52:13 From Patrick Tuck to Everyone:

Can we have Brussels sprouts?

14:52:47 From One Rouge to Everyone:

yes to tiny cabbages! preferably in a salad/slaw

14:55:32 From MONICA BROWN to Everyone:

Gotta go to 3pm meeting. Thanks

14:59:01 From Patrick Tuck to Everyone:

Hopping off all! Thanks!

14:59:27 From Casey Phillips to Everyone:

Thank You Jan, Caitlyn & Emily for your service as co-chairs!

15:00:44 From Carl Motsenbocker to Everyone:

Thanks everyone. Baton Rouge Gallery Opening tonight! See you in the new year.

15:02:37 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone:

Great job! I have to hop off.

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